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After suffering debilitating acne, Steph's life took a 180 degree turn and now proudly calls Territory Laser Clinic home!


We are very pleased to announce that Stephanie Mac has graduated as a fully qualified Dermal Therapist! Steph has been working at Territory Laser Clinic since January 2016 as Receptionist alongside Di and Sarah. Steph has graduated with an Advanced Diploma of Cosmetic Dermal Science through the Australasian Academy of Cosmetic Dermal Science in Perth and becomes Darwin's second Dermal Therapist.


Read on to find out more about our newest DT and her personal acne journey as written in her own words... 


At the budding age of 10, I learnt the hard way that those glossy Hollywood films (which often skipped those awkward acne moments) weren't all life was going to be. With acne decorating my face like a corn field which eventually erupted like popcorn, I spent the first four years often feeling alienated from my family. "Why me?" and "why wasn't it going away?" was what I'd wonder everyday. Having sought help from A-Z and back (doctors, dermatologists, products you name it!), I would avoid looking in the mirror unless i had to, and couldn't imagine the day when I would eventually wake up with clearer, healthier skin. 

When I was 15, I felt lucky to have learnt about self love and acceptance. I realised that though I couldn't rid my acne, I could accept and love myself in the face of judgement of others but also from my own self judgement. Instilled with a passion for helping others coupled with a death in the family, it prompted me to follow a path into Medical Laboratory Science. I would have eventually become a full-fledged Medical Laboratory Scientist where they conduct medical laboratory tests to assist in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease. 

In February 2014 when I was 19, I met with Holly, owner/operator of Territory Laser Clinic. Holly prescribed me with a selection of cosmeceutical grade skin care products and in addition to SPF, recommended a course of in-clinic treatments. A year later, the changes that had occurred to my skin were phenomenal; my skin was clearer, healthier and essentially "popcorn" free. My acne-prone skin is now manageable with the occasional breakout here and there, but they are nothing to me. I now find it weird to wake up with such great skin! 

This very experience inspired me to redirect my passion in helping others and commence the course with AACDS. In 2015, I completed my Bachelor's Degree in Science majoring in Biomedical Science with industry placements in Haematology, Biochemistry and Histology.  I then spent 2016 studying the Advanced Diploma in Cosmetic Dermal Science, Graduate Certificate in IPL and Laser Hair Reduction and completed a 76-hour clinical placement program at Territory Laser Clinic. 

I am ecstatic to be working together with Holly, Di and Sarah at Territory Laser Clinic. Going to be individually mentored by Holly, I would describe this new chapter of my life like a dream; "I have to pinch myself everyday to tell myself that this is real and happening!" 


​“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.
- Steve Jobs


Please join me in welcoming Darwin's second Dermal Therapist Stephanie to the team!

Stephanie Mac

Dermal Therapist

Adv. Dip. of Cosmetic Dermal Science

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Winnellie NT 0820

(08) 8984 4110

0455 863 817











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