Vascular Lesions
What is Photo Rejuvenation?
Photo rejuvenation involves the treatment of surface skin irregularities such a fine lines, enlarged pores and benign pigmented and vascular lesions by using a light based system such as a laser. At Territory Laser Clinic we use the Candela GentleMax Pro medical grade laser. We were the first clinic in the Northern Territory to own and operate Candela medical grade lasers and Dermal Therapists Holly Copping is a Syneron Candela Laser Certified Practitioners.

Treating vascular lesions

Laser is indicated for the treatment of the following vascular lesions:
Telangiectasia (Facial Vessels)
Cherry Angioma
Diffuse Erythema (Redness) or Facial Flushing
Poikiloderma of Civatte (Combination of Pigmentation and Vessels)
How does laser treat vascular lesions?​
Red blood cells contain Haemoglobin molecules. A Haemoglobin molecule contains heme or an iron pigment complex. This enables red blood cells to hold oxygen creating Oxyhaemoglobin, which is bright red in colour.

The heat destroys the red blood cells and the cells that form the wall of the blood vessels, referred to as endothelial cells. This can result in permanent destruction, part destruction or temporary destruction of the vessels.
The effectiveness is determined by the vessel size and depth, the fluence (energy) used and the pulse width. A larger vessel requires a longer pulse width. Fine surface vessels require a very short pulse width.

Treatment may result in only some cells being destroyed, in which case, the surviving endothelial cells will restore the vessel to partial or full function.
​How many sessions will I need?​
The number of sessions a patient needs to obtain optimal results will depend on:
Skin type
Size of vessel
Depth of vessel
Fluence (energy)

On average, most patients will need between 3 and 6 sessions.

What are the post treatment changes?​
The vessels will either immediately disappear (though this may be disguised by general erythema created by heat, or coagulate (turn grey) or take 2 to 5 days to minimise or disappear.

What are the treatment intervals?

Some vessels will come back after treatment so sessions performed at 6 weekly intervals may be required to effectively destroy the vessel. 3 to 6 sessions on average is required.
How do I maintain the results?
Treated vessels and/or new vessels may re-appear in the future, so a maintenance program may be recommended. It is also recommended that the patient wear sunscreen daily, reduce hot drinks, alcohol, spicy foods, and extreme temperatures in order to maintain results for as long as possible.

Click here to see before and after photos.
​Collagenesis (new collagen growth) using laser​​
Collagenesis is a favourable side effect of laser. New collagen growth post laser involves a complex process of chemical changes, though to simplify, thermal injury results in an increase of fibroblast activity and angiogenesis. The textural changes noticed may include a reduction in pore size, fine lines and skin roughness, as well as skin tightening and reduced flushing. For collagenesis to become apparent, at least 2 sessions are required.

What is the treatment process?
As with all dermal therapies, the consultation is essential to provide a desirable outcome for both patient and therapist. During a consultation the therapist should assess skin type and skin condition being treated, and refer to doctor if further assessment is required. It is also important to discuss contraindications, discuss how treatment works, estimate the number of treatment sessions, discuss side effects of treatment and potential complications, advise the costs, a consent form must be signed and then any test patches can be performed.

During a consultation, the therapist will also ask a number of questions to determine a candidates suitability for treatment. It is important to postpone a treatment when a candidate presents with recent unprotected sun exposure, tanned skin, fake tan, known photosensitising reaction, and open lesions and cuts. Other factors affecting treatment outcome will need to be taken into consideration. These include post treatment sun exposure, medications such as the oral contraceptive pill, topical steroid use, and hormonal changes such as pregnancy. Lastly, the therapist needs to inform the patient how to look after their skin post treatment.